Homepage: www.rosengrun.com
„Motus Luminis,“ explores a light-drawn choreography of the human psyche, with a high degree of ambiguity. Inspired by phototaxis, the natural navigational behavior of organisms toward light, this artistic project presents itself as a reflection on the restlessness triggered by the human orientational concept of „hope.“ Amid surreal photographs of humanoid moths, trapped in the process of phototaxis, a dystopian thought about the supposed extent of a state of „belonging,“ „home,“ or even achievement is suggested. These beings, as symbols of restlessness, entangle the viewer in a game of light and shadow, between the desired and the unattainable. The work examines the significance of transitional spaces. What remains for humanity without these spaces of transition? Stagnation, as a counterpart to restlessness, is captured in the images and visual narration of the moths. In a world characterized by movement and change, „Motus Luminis“ poses the question of standstill and the consequences for human existence. Therefore, this art project manifests not only as visual aesthetics but also as an intellectual expedition into the depths of human existence.
2021 – Today Studies in Fine Arts, Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen Ottersberg, targeted Degree Bachelor of Fine Arts
2024 “Up Next”, Artist Group “Salon Ursula”, Berlin, (G)
2024 “EnTransito”, El Faro de Ses Coves Blances, Sa Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza), (G)
2023 Work scholarship “CALL FOR ARTIST GROUPS”, Labor 40 – Güterbahnhof Bremen Areal für Kunst und Kultur, Bremen
2023 “Risus Succubus”, Level One, Hamburg (E)
2023 „Salon Ursula ll“ Artist Group Salon Ursula, Güterbahnhof Bremen – Areal für Kunst Kultur, Bremen (G)
2023 Youth for Art e.V., Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen, (G)
2023 „Salon Ursula l“, Artist Group Salon Ursula, Salon Ursula, Ottersberg (G)
2023 Co-founding Artist Group “Salon Ursula”
2022 “Same Page” Artists Books, Kunstverein Rotenburg e.V., Rotenburg, (G)
2020 Teaching position, „Kreativ- und Sprachschule Lubinez“, Quakenbrück
2020 General university entrance qualification (Abitur) at IGS Fürstenau, „Graduated with extraordinary dedication to the subject of Art as part of the gifted education program of the „Kooperationsverbundes für Hochbegabung in der Samtgemeinde Fürstenau““
2020 Awarded for Dedicated Engagement and Outstanding Performance in the Subject of Art by „BDK-Fachverband für Kunstpädagogik“
17.03.2001 Born in Ankum, Germany