Homepage: www.lizkueneke.com
The artist Liz Kueneke, resident of the island since 2009, presents performance art and a short film, both entitled “Lighthouse in Transit.” She swims in various locations around the island wearing a small replica of the lighthouse of Ses Coves Blanques, embodying the pluralities of the human body as boat as well as human body as lighthouse. Being both a vessel and a guiding light is a powerful metaphor for personal migration and the human experience of constant transition. The Latin word „Transire,“ meaning to go across, is the root of both „Transit“ and „Transition“. This word perfectly encapsulates this theme, highlighting our internal journeys in an ever-changing world in which we must be our own truth and guiding light.
Performance date and time to be announced soon.

Texto sobre obra:
Título : Un Faro en Tránsito
Esta obra se inspiró en el rico patrimonio marítimo de Sant Antoni de Portmany y el faro que forma parte del espacio de arte. Incluye un performance en directo y un cortometraje en el que la artista nada de espaldas en el mar de Ibiza, con un pequeño faro (basado en la arquitectura del faro del “Far de ses Coves Blanques” encaramado sobre su vientre. Explora los conceptos del cuerpo humano como barco, así como el cuerpo humano como faro. Esta dualidad…siendo simultáneamente el barco y la luz guía, es una poderosa metáfora de la migración personal y la experiencia humana de transición constante. La palabra latina “transire”, que significa “cruzar”, es la raíz tanto de “tránsito” como de “transición”. Esta palabra resume perfectamente este tema, destacando nuestros viajes internos en un mundo en constante cambio en el que debemos ser nuestra propia verdad y luz guía.
Liz vive en la isla desde 2009. Esta pieza sigue una de las ramas de trabajo de la artista multidisciplinaria en la que utiliza técnicas de natación artística (sincronizada) como herramienta para el arte.
Title: A Lighthouse in Transit
This art piece was inspired by the rich maritime heritage of Sant Antoni de Portmany and the lighthouse which forms part of the art space. It includes a live performance as well as a short film in which the artist is swimming on her back in the sea around Ibiza, with a small lighthouse (based on the architecture of the lighthouse of the Far de ses Coves Blanques) perched atop her belly. She is exploring the concepts of the human body as boat, as well as the human body as lighthouse. This duality… simultaneously being both the vessel and the guiding light, is a metaphor for personal migration and the human experience of constant transition. The Latin word „Transire,“ meaning to go across, is the root of both „Transit“ and „Transition“. This word perfectly encapsulates this theme, highlighting our internal journeys in an ever-changing world in which we must be our own truth and guiding light.
Liz has been living on the island since 2009. This piece follows one of the multidisciplinary artist’s branches of work in which she utilizes techniques of artistic (synchronized) swimming as a tool for art.

Liz Kueneke Liz recibió una Licenciatura de Georgetown University en 1998 donde estudió Bellas Artes y Idiomas. Recibió una Maestría en Bellas Artes de Claremont Graduate University en 2001. Ha realizado residencias de arte en Hangar: Centre de Producció d’Arts Visuals en Barcelona, en Outpost for Contemporary Art en Los Angeles (USA), y en Culture Vultures en Sefrou (Marruecos). Ha realizado varias exposiciones individuales en todo el mundo, incluida la Galerie Hofmatt en Sarnen (Suiza) [colectivo de arte con Kylin Lee, septiembre 2024], La Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana en Quito (Ecuador), Can Jeroni (Ibiza), Hudson Guild en Nueva York (USA), Center for Contemporary Arts (COCA) en St. Louis (USA), East Gallery en Los Angeles (USA), Barcelona Culture Studio (Barcelona), 1 Shanti Road en Bangalore (India), RiMJAUS en Ciudad de México (México), y Casa de la Barceloneta 1761 (Barcelona). También ha participado en exposiciones colectivas en numerosos museos, galerías y eventos de todo el mundo, entre ellos, Museu de Pollença (Mallorca), Museu de l'Empordà (Figueres), ZAZ (Zentrum Architektur Zürich), Museu Marítimo (Barcelona), Centre d’Art Santa Mónica (Barcelona), Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de El Prat de Llobregat (CAPSA), Centre d’Art Torre Muntadas en El Prat de Llobregat, y el el Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Ibiza (2024)[con Aguascopio]. Su trabajo también ha aparecido en varios libros de arte publicados, entre ellos, You Are Here/NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City, Mapping Different Geographies, Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery, CITY AS LAB: Collaborative Urban Design Research and Practice in Beirut and New York City, A Different Kind of Ethnography: Imaginative Practices and Creative Methodologies, Ibicenco VII (Existence) [con Aguascopio] y Mitgeres Barcelona. D l'oblit al project. Liz Kueneke Liz received a Bachelor Degree from Georgetown University in 1998 where she had a double major in Fine Arts and Languages. She received a Master of Fine Arts from Claremont Graduate University in 2001. She has had art residencies at Hangar: Centre de Producció d’Arts Visuals in Barcelona, at Outpost for Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and at Culture Vultures in Morocco. She has had several solo exhibitions around the world, including, at the Galerie Hofmatt in Sarnen (Switzerland) [two-person art collective with Kylin Lee-September 2024], La Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana in Quito (Ecuador), Can Jeroni (Ibiza) , Hudson Guild in New York City (USA), Center for Contemporary Arts (COCA) in St. Louis (USA), East Gallery in Los Angeles (USA), Barcelona Culture Studio in Barcelona, 1 Shanti Road Gallery in Bangalore (India), RiMJAUS in Mexico City (Mexico), and Casa de la Barceloneta 1761 in Barcelona. She has also participated in group exhibitions in many museums, galleries and events around the world, including, Museu de Pollença (Mallorca), Museu de l'Empordà (Figueres), ZAZ (Zentrum Architektur Zürich), The Maritime Museum (Barcelona), Centre d’Art Santa Mónica (Barcelona), Center of Contemporary Culture of El Prat de Llobregat (CAPSA), Torre Muntadas Center for Art (El Prat de Llobregat), and the Ibiza Cine Fest. Her work has also been featured in several published art books, including, You Are Here/NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City, Mapping Different Geographies, Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery, CITY AS LAB: Collaborative Urban Design Research and Practice in Beirut and New York City, A Different Kind of Ethnography: Imaginative Practices and Creative Methodologies, Ibicenco VII (Existence) [with work by Aguascopio] and Mitgeres Barcelona. D l'obit al project.