Homepage: www.maximontano.com
Living in the (now)stalgia (Photo – collage)
Ser inmigrante es vivir en varios sitios a la vez, es vivir el presente añorando el pasado, pasado que ya no existe, no solo por ser pasado, sino por una realidad geopolitica, que hace que todo cambie. Living in the (now)stalgia es un intento de (re)encontarme en textos de libros del pasado sobre Venezuela, acompañado de imagenes representativas en el camino de la migración.
Being an immigrant is living in several places at the same time, it is living in the now, but with the nostalgia for the past, a past that no longer exists, not only because it is the past, but because of a geopolitical reality, which makes everything change. Living in the (now)stalgia is an attempt to (re)discover my identity in texts of books from the past about Venezuela, accompanied by representative images on the path of migration.
Nací en Caracas, Venezuela en 1989.
Estudié comunicación visual en Pro-Diseño, Caracas y realicé una Master en Fotografía Conceptual en EFTI, Madrid.
Fotógrafa freelance desde 2010. Desde que comencé mi carrera como fotógrafa me he relacionado continuamente con el arte, participando en diversos proyectos multidisciplinarios.
Soy inmigrante desde hace casi 10 años y esto me ha llevado a ampliar mi área profesional a otras ramas creativas. Desde la producción, la dirección de arte hasta el diseño floral.
Siempre acompañada de mi ojo curioso.
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1989.
I studied visual communication at Pro-Design, Caracas and completed a Master in Conceptual Photography at EFTI, Madrid.
Freelance photographer since 2010. Since I began my career as a photographer I have been continuously involved with art, participating in various multidisciplinary projects.
I have been an immigrant for almost 10 years and this has led me to expand my professional area to other creative branches. From production, art direction to floral design.
Always accompanied by my curious eye.